Sunday, September 12, 2010

【歐美名人堂】Lady Gaga女神卡卡

Lady Gaga on Larry King Live (CNN)

在這段專訪中,一開始同學可以注意聽:為什麼她會取名Lady Gaga? 她最喜歡的人有哪些?Lady Gaga說:I am pushing the boundaries as much as I can.這句話是什麼意思呢?

Lady Gaga's Interview with John Norris
這個主持人用了很多迂迴的說話技巧,來訪問Gaga一些很尖銳的問題。所以這段訪談適合中級程度的同學練習聽力理解。總共有五段,我們這邊只連結第一段,同學可以以Lady Gaga Interview: Part 1 of 5 的關鍵字,在Youtube上繼續收看後四段。

Lady Gaga's Paparazzi 狗仔隊

歌詞轉載自Lady Gaga台灣官方歌迷會

"Paparazzi / 愛情狗仔"

We are the crowd, / 狗仔成群結黨
We're c-coming out / 好戲就要上場
Got my flash on it's true / 閃光燈準備好
Need that picture of you / 不能有漏網鏡頭
It's so magical / 神奇的喀嚓聲
We'd be so fantastical / 完美的偷拍照

Leather and jeans / 皮衣搭牛仔褲
Garage glamorous / 頹廢的華麗
Not sure what it means, / 只是難懂的時尚名詞
But this photo of us / 但是我們這張狗仔照
It don't have a price / 百分百無價
Ready for those flashing lights, / 準備好面對閃光燈
Cause you know that baby I 因為你知道

Im your biggest fan / 我是你頭號粉絲
I'll follow you until you love me / 為了愛 我跟定你
Papa-paparazzi, / 愛情狗仔
Baby there's no other superstar / 寶貝 你是我的大明星
You know that i'll be your / 我只專屬於你
Papa-paparazzi / 愛情狗仔
Promise i'll be kind, / 我保證不亂偷拍
But i won't stop until that boy is mine / 但追不到手絕不放棄
Baby you'll be famous / 你一夕成名超人氣
Chase you down until you love me / 為愛我還是緊追不捨
Papa-paparazzi / 愛情狗仔

I'll be your girl / 我會當個乖女孩
Backstage at your show, / 在演唱會後台等你
Velvet ropes and guitars, / 華服和吉他
Yeah cause you're my rockstar / 你是我的搖滾巨星
In between the sets / 換場中間與你溫存
Eyeliner and cigarettes / 我的眼線和你的香煙

Shadow is burnt / 連影子都燒盡
Dance and we turn / 我們旋轉起舞
My lashes are dry / 眼角的淚已乾
But teardrops I cry / 但我的淚水
It don't have a price / 百分百無價
Loving you is cherry pie / 愛你就像櫻桃派
'Cause you know that baby I / 因為寶貝你知道

Im your biggest fan / 我是你頭號粉絲
I'll follow you until you love me / 為了愛 我跟定你
Papa-paparazzi, / 愛情狗仔
Baby there's no other superstar / 寶貝 你是我的大明星
You know that i'll be your / 我只專屬於你
Papa-paparazzi / 愛情狗仔
Promise i'll be kind, / 我保證不亂偷拍
But i won't stop until that boy is mine / 但追不到手絕不放棄
Baby you'll be famous / 你一夕成名超人氣
Chase you down until you love me / 為愛我還是緊追不捨
Papa-paparazzi / 愛情狗仔

Real good / 真棒
We dance in the studio / 我們盡情跳舞
Snap, snapped / 關掉
That xxxx on the radio / 那收音機中的垃圾
Don't stop for anyone / 誰也不能阻止我們狂歡
We're plastic but we still have fun! / 膚淺又怎樣 至少玩得很爽

Im your biggest fan / 我是你頭號粉絲
I'll follow you until you love me / 為了愛 我跟定你
Papa-paparazzi, / 愛情狗仔
Baby there's no other superstar / 寶貝 你是我的大明星
You know that i'll be your / 我只專屬於你
Papa-paparazzi / 愛情狗仔
Promise i'll be kind, / 我保證不亂偷拍
But i won't stop until that boy is mine / 但追不到手絕不放棄
Baby you'll be famous / 你一夕成名超人氣
Chase you down until you love me / 為愛我還是緊追不捨
Papa-paparazzi / 愛情狗仔

*------------女神卡卡LADY GAGA台灣官方歌迷會--------*