Friday, December 29, 2006

12/30 期末考題講解





p.s 有關全民英檢全真試題,老師還在找空間放,等放好再跟同學講位置。


Wednesday, December 06, 2006

12/2 寫作講義-Smoking B~E部份解答

12/2 寫作講義練習解答
B部份 閱讀測驗是非題
1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F

1. habit
2. warning
3. addicted
4. deceptive
5. indulge
6. Socializing
7. matter
8. harmful
9. revenue
10. ban

1. know

2. knows

3. know

4. know

5. know

6. know

7. know

8. knows

9. knows

10. know

1. Studies show that the average of life expectancy of a heavy smoker is eight years less than a non-smoker. (原題目中之as much as和that不適合加於句中,一般題目不會這樣出。)


2. A heavy smoker is defined as one who smokes two or more packs of cigarettes a day.


3. Cigar and pipe smoking have been linked to the cancers of the mouth.


12/2 寫作講義-Smoking A部份解答

12/2 英文寫作講義之練習題答案

Mikio: Sam, you sure smoke a lot.
Sam: Well, it's pleasurable and relaxing.
Mikio: But it's harmful to your health.
Sam: For example?
Mikio: It can cause heart disease, bronchial trouble, and lung cancer.
Sam: But, it's my right.
Mikio: Yes, but it's also harmful to those nearby.
Sam: Mikio, did you know it's an old custom going back hundreds of years? Intoxication is a nature drive.
Mikio: So? It's also a dirty and expensive habit.
Sam: Do you drink?
Mikio: Yeah, I do. But it's not addictive like smoking.
Sam: Ever heard of alcoholics? Alcohol is harmful to your health, too.
Mikio: Okay, SAm. But it's a practice that is quickly being banned in public areas.
Sam: So what? It makes socializing easier.
Mikio: That's because you're addicted. It lives off deceptive advertising.
Sam: Did it ever occur to you that it's an important source of tax revenue?
Mikio: I'd rather live longer, thank you. Really, Sam, is it so difficult to stop smoking?
Sam: Stop? Uh, I really don't know.