Wednesday, December 06, 2006

12/2 寫作講義-Smoking A部份解答

12/2 英文寫作講義之練習題答案

Mikio: Sam, you sure smoke a lot.
Sam: Well, it's pleasurable and relaxing.
Mikio: But it's harmful to your health.
Sam: For example?
Mikio: It can cause heart disease, bronchial trouble, and lung cancer.
Sam: But, it's my right.
Mikio: Yes, but it's also harmful to those nearby.
Sam: Mikio, did you know it's an old custom going back hundreds of years? Intoxication is a nature drive.
Mikio: So? It's also a dirty and expensive habit.
Sam: Do you drink?
Mikio: Yeah, I do. But it's not addictive like smoking.
Sam: Ever heard of alcoholics? Alcohol is harmful to your health, too.
Mikio: Okay, SAm. But it's a practice that is quickly being banned in public areas.
Sam: So what? It makes socializing easier.
Mikio: That's because you're addicted. It lives off deceptive advertising.
Sam: Did it ever occur to you that it's an important source of tax revenue?
Mikio: I'd rather live longer, thank you. Really, Sam, is it so difficult to stop smoking?
Sam: Stop? Uh, I really don't know.

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