Sunday, April 29, 2007



1. What is your hobby? 你的嗜好是什麼?
2. Please describe your house. 請描述一下你的家。
3. Tell me about your family. 跟我談一下關於你的家庭。
4. Which sort of music do you like to listen to? 你喜歡聽哪一類型的音樂?
5. Which kind of sport do you most like? 你最喜歡哪種運動?
6. Who is your best friend in school or in work? 你在學校或工作上最好的朋友是哪一位?
7. Which country would you like to visit in the future? 你將來想去哪一個國家觀光?
8. Do you like the environment you live in? Why or why not? 你喜歡現在居住的環境嗎? 為什麼呢?
9. Which kind of hair style you most like? 你最喜歡哪種髮型?
10. Please tell me about the movie that you watched recently. 請講講最近你看過的一場電影。
11. Do you keep pets? If yes, describe it, if no, do you wish to have one? 你養寵物嗎?如果有,請描述一下你的寵物。如果沒有,你會想養嗎?
12. Please tell me about your dress today.請談談你今天的穿著。
13. Do you prefer indoor or outdoor activities?你喜歡室內或戶外活動?
14. How would you plan a one-day trip in your hometown? 你會如何規劃家鄉一日遊呢?
15. How would you introduce Taiwan to a foreigner? 你會怎麼介紹外國人認識台灣?
16. Which season do you most like? 你最喜歡哪一個季節?
17. Do you hate to go to see a dentist? 你討厭看牙醫嗎?
18. How often do you have a hair cut? 你多久剪一次頭髮?
19. Do you prefer tea or coffee? Why? 你喜歡茶或咖啡?為什麼?
20. What kind of fruit do you most like? Why? 你最喜歡哪種水果?為什麼?
21. Which kind of weather do you prefer? Why? 你喜歡哪種天氣?為什麼?
22. Which subject do you most like? Why? 你最喜歡哪一學科?為什麼?
23. Do you know how to play any kind of instrument? If no, do you wish to try one? 你會演奏任何一種樂器嗎? 如果不會,你會想學一種嗎?(哪一種?)
24. Which type of book do you most like to read? Why? 你最喜歡讀哪一種書?為什麼?
25. Do you like to visit other countries? Why? 你喜歡參觀別的國家嗎?為什麼?
26. Tell me how to prepare a dish if you know the procedures . 談談準備一道菜的步驟。
27. Do you prefer to take the car or the bus? Why? 你喜歡坐轎車還是公車?為什麼?
28. Do you prefer Eastern(oriental) or Western food? Why? 你喜歡東方或西方的食物?為什麼?
29. Do you think that surfing Internet is good for everyone? 你覺得上網對每個人都好嗎?
30. Do you usually help with housework in the house? 你通常會幫忙家裡做家事嗎?


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