Thursday, October 19, 2006

Answer key for Lesson 1- The zipper 課後練習解答

page 6
a. 1. row 2. dozens, hooks 3. zipper 4. slides
5. engineer 6. apart 7. embarrassing 8. bend
9. fastened, strips 10. solved

b. 1. slide 2. strips 3. embarrassed 4. solve
5. hook 6. fasteners 7. dozen 8. apart
9. rows 10. bend 11. zippers 12. engineer

page 7
c. 1~5 b d a c a
6~10 c d b

page 8 以下解答僅供參考,因為有些是課文衍生問題,答案不只一個。
1. They are very common.
2. Yes, they are very strong.
3. high shoes with a row of buttons
4. Whitcomb L. Judson in 1893
5. because they didn't stay closed very well
6. Sweden
7. A zipper has three parts. There are dozens of metal or plastic hooks called teeth in two rows. These are fastened to two strips of cloth. The cloth strips flexible. They bend easily. A fastener slides along and joins the hooks together or takes them apart.
8. the cloth strips
9. He put hooks on strips of cloth.
*10. Velcro 魔鬼粘

e. 3

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