Saturday, June 02, 2007


A. Vocabulary (Refer to p41-42)
1._______ You can see yourself clear when you look at a m____r.
2._______ Although our boss doesn’t like George, we all know he is c___r to do the business.
3._______ Running through the road without seeing the traffic light is very d____us.
4._______ The little girl saw a ghost s___r at her all night by her bed.
5._______ The ghost story makes me feel t___e. I can’t fall asleep all night.
6._______ Working under the temperature of 33 degree is really a t___e for human being.
7._______ I think everyone has s___ts, so I don’t want to ask her too much.
8._______ She w____rs at my ears and wants me not to speak out.
9._______ In business, no one will be always your e__y or your friend.
10.______ This time, you have to solve the problem a___e.

B. Find the words

C. Your idea.
Do you think the Phantom of Opera(O.G.) is a ghost or a humanbeing?
Why do you think so?

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